Saturday, September 5, 2009


After visiting the National Geographic website, a good friend of mine encouraged me to send one of my photos in to “Your Shot”, a place where photographers can send in their own photos, for a chance get to be featured on the web site. So.............on a whim I submitted one of my favorite photos just to see what would happen. Today I was very excited when I received a message telling me that my photo had been selected from the masses and would be featured on the Daily Dozen section of their website.  The photo editor selects 12 photos a day to be featured on the Daily Dozen. You can see it here: You will need to navigate to Week 1 September 2009.
This is my picture that was chosen.

Friday, September 4, 2009


One large one & one small one in the lower right corner.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Monarch's Are Back

I had a Monarch butterfly spend all Saturday afternoon laying eggs on every one of my Milkweed plants.  I should have lots of little Monarch caterpillars eating my Milkweed plants very soon.

You can see one tiny white butterfly egg on the back of the leaf.

Shorttail's Babies

Here are pictures of Shorttail's babies I took on two different occasions earlier this year.  They would frolic in trees close to their nest.  Shorttail appears to be doing well and her tail finally seems to be healed.  She is a squirrel with a rabbit tail.  I just see her occasionally now and not daily like I did when her babies were dependant on her.