Greetings! I stumbled upon your site here by accident and enjoyed it immensely. Wonderful photos! I envy not only the fact that you have all these little dramas going on in your backyard, but also your ability to notice and observe them as closely as you do. If you're interested in a good butterfly book check out Robert Michael Pyle's CHASING MONARCHS (which I blogged about on my site)... if you haven't already, that is. A fantastic read. Take care,
I love nature and I love photography. Any day I get to take pictures is a really good day! A lot of the things I find to photograph are right in my backyard.
Greetings! I stumbled upon your site here by accident and enjoyed it immensely. Wonderful photos! I envy not only the fact that you have all these little dramas going on in your backyard, but also your ability to notice and observe them as closely as you do. If you're interested in a good butterfly book check out Robert Michael Pyle's CHASING MONARCHS (which I blogged about on my site)... if you haven't already, that is. A fantastic read. Take care,