I'm sorry I'm so behind on updates about Short Tail & the Bluebirds. I stay out until dark (which is too late) taking pictures and taking care of my flower gardens and by the time I go in and get cleaned up it is time to go to bed.
The baby birds have left the nest and all four must have hatched because there wasn't an egg left in the nest like last time. I have taken pictures but just haven't had time to upload.
I saw Short Tail yesterday and her tail is still a mess. Didn't see her today but sometimes I don't see her everyday. She has built another nest in a pine tree in my yard. I have no idea which nest her babies are in. I do know that the babies are dependant on their mother for about 10 weeks.
I appreciate all the offers to help get her treated but catching her would be almost impossible and she would not be able to stay gone from her babies very long. We are just going to have to let nature take its course and hope for the best.
I will try to get pictures posted soon.