Wasn't sure I wanted to do the story when Teresa called my but now I'm a little excited. And, I certainly didn't expect to be in the newspaper TWO days in a row and online.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
My picture update
I’m not on the feature page anymore but you can find me in September - Week 1. There is a picture of lightning after mine when you are voting that is just a fraction ahead of me but if you all will vote for me I might be able to beat them. To vote you will have to scroll through several of the pictures to get to mine and to only way I could get the pictures to scroll was to vote for them. Save a 10 for me. You can only vote once unless you have more then one computer.
http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/your-shot/voting-machine You have to click on "Week 1" to vote on my pic now since "Week 2" automatically comes up now.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
After visiting the National Geographic website, a good friend of mine encouraged me to send one of my photos in to “Your Shot”, a place where photographers can send in their own photos, for a chance get to be featured on the web site. So.............on a whim I submitted one of my favorite photos just to see what would happen. Today I was very excited when I received a message telling me that my photo had been selected from the masses and would be featured on the Daily Dozen section of their website. The photo editor selects 12 photos a day to be featured on the Daily Dozen. You can see it here: http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/your-shot/daily-dozen You will need to navigate to Week 1 September 2009.
This is my picture that was chosen.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
The Monarch's Are Back
I had a Monarch butterfly spend all Saturday afternoon laying eggs on every one of my Milkweed plants. I should have lots of little Monarch caterpillars eating my Milkweed plants very soon.
You can see one tiny white butterfly egg on the back of the leaf.
Shorttail's Babies
Here are pictures of Shorttail's babies I took on two different occasions earlier this year. They would frolic in trees close to their nest. Shorttail appears to be doing well and her tail finally seems to be healed. She is a squirrel with a rabbit tail. I just see her occasionally now and not daily like I did when her babies were dependant on her.
Monday, August 24, 2009
My Black Swallowtail Butterfly
I planted Parsley this year just to attract the Black Swallowtail Butterfly and it worked! I actually had so many caterpillars that they stripped my parsley bare and had nothing to eat. I had to go to the grocery store and buy parsley just to feed them. Every day I would put fresh parsley in a very small vase of water just for the caterpillars.

The chrysalis below blends right into the plant is is on and if you didn't know where to look for it you would not see it.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
I'm So Behind on Posts!
I'm sorry I'm so behind on updates about Short Tail & the Bluebirds. I stay out until dark (which is too late) taking pictures and taking care of my flower gardens and by the time I go in and get cleaned up it is time to go to bed.
The baby birds have left the nest and all four must have hatched because there wasn't an egg left in the nest like last time. I have taken pictures but just haven't had time to upload.
I saw Short Tail yesterday and her tail is still a mess. Didn't see her today but sometimes I don't see her everyday. She has built another nest in a pine tree in my yard. I have no idea which nest her babies are in. I do know that the babies are dependant on their mother for about 10 weeks.
I appreciate all the offers to help get her treated but catching her would be almost impossible and she would not be able to stay gone from her babies very long. We are just going to have to let nature take its course and hope for the best.
I will try to get pictures posted soon.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
This is one of the baby Bluebirds from the first clutch the pair nesting in my yard had. The second clutch started hatching today.
Click on photo to view larger.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
I'm worried about "Short Tail"
I'm worried about "Short Tail". Her tail is a mess and it is a lot shorter than when I first spotted her. I think it must be infected. She is unable to keep her balance when she runs across the light wires and twirls around upside down. I got these pictures from a distance but you can still see how bad her tail looks. Sure wish I knew how to help her.
Click to view larger

Thursday, May 21, 2009
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